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Vical Incorporated

Head Quarters

10390 Pacfic Center Court 10390 Pacific Center Court US









Vical, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company. The company engages in the research and development of biopharmaceutical products based on patented DNA delivery technologies for the prevention and treatment of serious or life-threatening diseases. Its core technology involves the insertion of DNA into plasmids designed to deliver the desired genes into cells in the body. The company's pipeline consists of ASP0113 Therapeutic CMV Vaccine, CyMVectin Prophylactic CMV Vaccine and VL-2397 Antifungal. Vical was founded by Howard E. Greene, Jr. Timothy J. Wollaeger, Karl Y. Hostetler and Douglas D. Richman in April 1987 and is headquartered in San Diego, CA.

Key statistics

Margins Stock
Revenue per Employee $0.00
Current Ratio 4
Gross Margin (%) 0.62%
Net Margin (%) -0.15%
Returns Stock
Sales $13.00M
Sales Growth (% qtr vs. yr ago) 0.00%
Net Income -$1,000,000.00
NI Growth (% qtr vs. yr ago) 0.00%
Price/Sales 8.47
EPS $0.00