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Biogen Inc.

Head Quarters

225 Binney Street US









Biogen, Inc. is a global biotechnology company, which focuses on discovering, developing, manufacturing and delivering therapies for neurological, autoimmune and hematologic disorders. Its products include AVONEX, PLEGRIDY, TECFIDERA, TYSABRI, and FAMPYRA for multiple sclerosis, ALPROLIX for hemophilia B and ELOCTATE for hemophilia A. The company also collaborates on the development and commercialization of RITUXAN for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and other conditions and share profits and losses for GAZYVA which is approved for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Biogen was founded by Phillip Allen Sharp in 1978 and is headquartered in Cambridge, MA.

Key statistics

Margins Stock
Revenue per Employee $0.00
Current Ratio 2
Gross Margin (%) 0.78%
Net Margin (%) 0.07%
Returns Stock
Sales $10.58B
Sales Growth (% qtr vs. yr ago) 0.00%
Net Income $235.00M
NI Growth (% qtr vs. yr ago) 0.00%
Price/Sales 19.57
EPS $15.00