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PetMed Express, Inc.

Head Quarters

420 South Congress Avenue US









PetMed Express, Inc. engages in the provision of markets prescription and non-prescription pet medications, health products and supplies for dogs and cats. Its non-prescription medications include flea and tick control products, bone and joint care products, vitamins and nutritional supplements, and hygiene products; and it also offers prescription medications include heartworm preventatives, arthritis, thyroid, diabetes and pain medications, antibiotics and other specialty medications, as well as generic substitutes. It markets its products through national television, online and direct mail/print advertising campaigns. Its products include a majority of brands of medication such as Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix II, Advantage II, Heartgard Plus, Sentinel, Revolution and Rimadyl. The company was founded in January 1996 and is headquartered in Pompano Beach, FL.

Key statistics

Margins Stock
Revenue per Employee $0.00
Current Ratio 4
Gross Margin (%) 0.31%
Net Margin (%) 0.03%
Returns Stock
Sales $249.00M
Sales Growth (% qtr vs. yr ago) 0.00%
Net Income $15.00M
NI Growth (% qtr vs. yr ago) 0.00%
Price/Sales 1.23
EPS $1.00